Womb to World Workshop
Womb to World is a full day, in person group Childbirth Education class across two locations… Melbourne (Prahran) and on the Mornington Peninsula (Mornington).
Why Womb to World?
It will prepare you for birth AND postpartum!
It’s an evidence-based class, created and taught by Amber- a midwife with over 11 years experience & an IBCLC (lactation consultant) bringing you evidence & experience to teach you how to best set you up for birth & postpartum.
This is a kind, non-judgmental, inclusive and modern birth class… where the goal is for you to walk away feeling educated and empowered to make the right decisions for you in your birth!
The key difference is the strong postpartum focus… most women regret not learning more about breastfeeding… this class will teach you the main things you need to know about breastfeeding, help you learn about your newborn baby, discuss optimising your postpartum recovery and how to best set yourself up for postpartum!
Full day class- 10am-4:30pm
Where: Mornington (Mornington Peninsula) & Prahran (Melbourne)
The address will be provided in the confirmation email
Tea & snacks are provided
Includes: A gift bag with your Womb to World Workbook, Affirmation cards, an Antenatal Expressing Kit and more!
Pricing: Mornington $400, Melbourne $450
*You may be able to receive a rebate if you have private health insurance depending on your fund/cover
Upcoming Dates
Sunday 30th of March- Melbourne (Prahran) *FULLY BOOKED
Sunday April 13th- Melbourne (Prahran) *FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 27th of April- Mornington * 3 SPOTS LEFT
Sunday 4th of May- Melbourne (Prahran)
Sunday 1st of June- Mornington
Sunday 15th of June- Melbourne (Prahran)
Sunday 6th of July- Mornington
Sunday 20th of July- Melbourne
Course Outline
In this antenatal class you will learn about...
How to prepare for birth- being active in pregnancy, understanding baby’s positioning and creating space in the pelvis with optimal fetal positioning techniques
Breathing (we practice this in the class)
Perineal massage
Mechanics of labour
Signs of labour
Strategies for early labour including nutrition & hydration
When to go to the hospital
TENS- how to get the most out of it
Hormones of labour- how to best support them
Creating an oxytocin environment
Why mindset matters- reframing pain and the pain/ tension/ pain cycle
Being active in labour- we practice different active labour positions on mats/ exercise balls
Learn lots of strategies for working with pain- movement, massage, breathing, vocalisation, visualisation, finding your rhythm, birth affirmations, music, shower, bath etc
Reducing tension- we practice massage techniques
Partner support- empowering partners to be the best support people
Pain relief options in hospital- sterile water injections, gas, morphine, epidural
Induction of labour
BRAIN- informed decision making
How to push out a baby
Instrumental birth
Caesarean Birth
Tearing/ Episiotomy
Birthing your placenta
Post birth recovery- what to expect and top tips!
Antenatal Expressing
The golden hour/ skin to skin/ breast crawl
What to expect in the first 48 hours
Positioning at the breast and deep attachment
What to do if you’re having challenges
When to give antenatally expressed milk
Cluster feeding
Milk coming in
How to know if they are getting enough breastmilk?
Nipple damage- how to try to avoid it and how to heal cracked nipples
What if you need to go on a feeding plan and how to get off the ‘top up cycle’
To pump or not to pump?
How to implement a bottle feed
Engorgement/ Mastitis
How partners can support you to breastfeed
Breastfeeding Plan!
What is the fourth trimester?
Some key reasons baby’s cry…
Settling- practical strategies
Learning your baby’s cues- hunger, play and tired cues
Nappies- what to expect and how to put them on
Swaddling- we practice!
How to navigate newborn sleep!
Safe sleep
Newborn tests and injections
Signs of an unwell baby
As well as postpartum planning- how to best set yourself up for postpartum and a good support network
Disclaimer: Please note before booking this class you are agreeing to accept the terms & conditions. The education in this class is general education only, you must seek individualised advice from your care provider
Please note the deposit is non-refundable
Melbourne Venue
Mornington Venue
Frequently Asked Question’s
Can my partner come?
Absolutely! Your partner/ support person is absolutely encouraged to come as it includes partner work such as massage and so much of the class is aimed at educating your partner of how to be a wonderful, calm support person.
Does the price include my partner?
Yes absolutely, the price includes you and your one support person
I want to breastfeed, do I need to do a breastfeeding class too?
No this class is an all inclusive birth/ breastfeeding and newborn class, meaning it’s a full day of education, that will prepare you for birth, breastfeeding and your baby, with no other classes needed.
What is the optimal time to do the class?
You can do the class any time after 22 weeks and right up to just before you have your baby, however the optimal time is between 26-36 weeks
Can I claim on my private health insurance?
As I am a registered and endorsed midwife, many health funds will provide you with a rebate for Childbirth Education. Check with your health fund how much they cover for Childbirth Education.
How it works… pay the deposit, two weeks prior the rest of the payment is due and I will send you a receipt with details eg location, my medicare provider number etc and they should be able to give you a rebate- but always best to check with them what they require